Book Review of “Royal House of Shadows”

royal house of shadows

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What can I say about the Royal House of Shadows box set that has not been said many times over? These books contain vampires, werewolves, humans, witches, warlocks, action, love, sex, mystery, intrigue, and a lot of minute descriptions that make you feel that you have entered this bizarre world, or that it’s possible to go there.  I’ve read many anthologies, but this is the first one that not only has a recurring theme, but a continuation of the story from one author to the next.  Although their writing style is so different you don’t feel a jolt when you transition into another story. That takes talent!

Gena Showalter, Jill Monroe, Jessica Andersen, and Nalini Singh’s theme for their novels are magical realism. The first novel is an adult take on Alice in Wonderland. The second novel started out as Goldilocks and the Three Bears. While the third novel dealt with Red Riding Hood. The fourth novel addresses Beauty and the Beast, as well as Nanny McPhee, but that’s just my opinion or interpretation.

I give this book set 5 out of 5 stars! These authors have done something phenomenal. Writing a cohesive group project is not easy, but these women made it seem seamless, highly interesting, and entertaining. The leading men and women are likable, and I’m invested in the outcome of their stories/lives.

Hope you pick up or download the book set. Happy reading!